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Preliminary Program


09h00-9h30  Fabiana Da PieveRadiation effects during human astrobiology-driven exploration of Mars                                                                                          and (some) challenges ahead

09h30-10h00 Guillaume Gronoff: From airplanes to Mars: modeling and observing the effects of energetic ions

10h00-10h30  Robert-Alain ToillonBiological effects of ionising radiation on cells

break 15’

10h45-11h15   Jean-Luc RavanatRecent aspects of radiation-induced DNA damage

11h15-11h45    Marjan Moreels: Vive la radiorésistance!: potential biological strategies to enhance human radioresistance for deep                                                       space exploration missions
11h45-12h15   Jorge Kohanoff: Radiation damage of biological matter from first-principles simulations


13h30-14h00  Chann Lagadec: Radiation induces cell reprogramming to convert cancer cells into cancer stem cells

14h00-14h30  Fabrizio Cleri: Radiation damage to DNA at all scales: from the nucleotide to the chromosome

14h30-15h00  Vladimir Ivanchenko: The Geant4 toolkit status for simulation of space radiation effects

break 15’

15h15-15h45   Edith Botek: On the search of novel materials for radiation protection during manned space missions

15h45-16h15   Pere Alemany: Electronic stopping from non-adiabatic molecular dynamics: application to polymers

16h15-16h45   Frederik Crop: Dose reporting for radiation dose: converting dose to medium to dose to water in the radiotherapy                                                       energy range

16h45-17h15   Th. Vasileiou: A biomimetic approach to radiation shielding

Round table discussion

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